Another trip around the sun and it is May again! Classes are finishing, fieldwork is winding down, and graduation is fast approaching. Ohio’s second year genetic counseling students will soon be our newest colleagues! Please join us in congratulating them on their tremendous success! (And leave your advice in the comments!)
Case Western Reserve University
Case Western Reserve University has 8 students in the class of 2023. Our graduates are moving on to clinical genetic counseling positions in their preferred specialties, including prenatal genetics, pediatric genetics, and cancer genetics. Three will remain in Ohio, while others will be moving to other states, including Indiana, Texas, New York, Minnesota, and Pennsylvania. We are proud of, and excited for, our class of 2023, and cannot wait to see what they do next!

University of Cincinnati
The University of Cincinnati has 11 graduates in the class of 2023. After graduation, the students will be living and working in Arizona, California, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Virginia, and Washington state.

The Ohio State University
The OSU GCGP has 10 students in the class of 2023. Four of our graduates will remain in Ohio after graduation and six will be moving to other states, including Kentucky, Oregon, Hawaii, Arizona, Illinois, and Georgia. Two of our students will work in pediatrics (general and hematology/oncology), two will work in adult cancer, two in prenatal, and two will be in a mixed specialty / medical genetics role. One student will work in neurology, and another student will work in pediatric research.